Chiropractic Glossary
Adjustments are the tools chiropractors utilize to correct mis-alignments in the spine. The spine is the bony protective covering for the spinal cord. If the spine is not in its proper position, tiny delicate nerve tissues can become compressed, stretched or irritated causing a myriad of symptoms in the body.
After a thorough history and physical exam, your chiropractor will use a very specific adjustment tailored to your specific problem. An adjustment is the precise technique chiropractors use to perform corrections to the spine, alleviating stress and strain on the nervous system. Chiropractors are highly trained to deliver a precise adjustment every time. Millions of people have experienced the benefits of receiving chiropractic adjustments regularly because they are so safe and effective. Even children receive chiropractic adjustments to correct spinal problems caused by everyday childhood traumas.
Many people choose chiropractic because it corrects the problem naturally without the use of drugs & surgery. Many patients ask, “What’s that cracking noise when I am receiving an adjustment”? A joint is partially made of fluid allowing the joint to remain lubricated, similar to the oil in a car. When a chiropractor performs an adjustment, patients will often hear a noise. The noise is simply the release
of gas similar to the noise heard when opening a can of pop.
SYMPTOMS: Arthritis pain can be stiff, sore, dull and achey. Pain increases with movement. Pain may be sharp occasionally. Pain has often been present for a long period of time. One may also notice increased pain and stiffness in the morning or after sitting that improves with movement or activity. In addition, radiating pain into the buttocks, legs and feet. Also, sometimes there may be a constant
painful inability to walk or move without the use of some sort of assistive device. Other signs and symptoms may be present.
CAUSES: Mis-alignment of the bones can be caused by repetitive motion such as computer work, or repetitive lifting, sports injuries, car accidents, poor posture, stress or a traumatic fall.
No matter how old a person is, if spinal damage goes uncorrected long enough, the body responds by laying down more bone. A little additional bone is okay, but too much can cause much pain and discomfort. Just like when a person cuts the skin and the body forms a scab, when two bones rub
abnormally together for a long period of time, the body repairs itself by laying down additional calcium. This can lead to arthritis deposits or even complete fusion of two bones. When the bones expand abnormally, there is less room for the delicate nerves that are exiting from the spinal cord. When arthritis becomes severe enough, the delicate nerves can become pinched, stretched or irritated.
TREATMENT: With early detection, chiropractic care can slow, stop or even
reverse the early stages of arthritis formation. By keeping joints aligned and
supple, the body is prevented from laying down too much bone. Similar to the proper alignment of the tires on your car, chiropractic adjustments can maximize the “mileage” you derive from your skeletal system. Your chiropractor can also customize exercises that will allow the muscles to be strengthened. When your muscles are strong, less strain is placed on the skeletal system.
As if the birthing process isn’t traumatic enough, then learning to walk certainly is. How many times has your child fallen when learning to walk, ride a bike and/or play sports? All of the aforementioned can cause your child’s spine to “subluxate” or mis-align. Vertebrae that are out of alignment cause irritation to the delicate nerves comprising the nervous system.
Spinal alignment is particularly important as a child grows. Many of the spinal problems found as an adult can be traced back to childhood injuries. This is why it is so important for children to be aligned
as their spine grows and matures. Of particular concern today, for example, is the heavy backpacks that children carry, placing a tremendous amount of strain on the spine, leading to poor posture.
Backpacks should not weigh more than ten percent of a child’s total body weight. We recommend the AirPack backpack. Just as children require regular dental check-ups to keep their teeth healthy, chiropractic check-ups for the spine are also of utmost importance.
Many people are often surprised to learn that pain in the arms and legs is often caused by improper joint motion in the spine. If the spine is moving improperly, delicate nerves can be stretched, pinched or irritated. Part of the function of these spinal nerves is to supply feeling and movement to
the arms and legs. If this pathway becomes obstructed due to spinal misalignment (subluxation), this can result in pain, pins and needles, or weakness in the arms and legs.
For example, eighty percent of people with neck problems will develop shoulder problem. The muscles and joints of the shoulder are closely interconnected with the neck. If the spinal joints in the
neck become mis-aligned or subluxated, the shoulder girdle must act in a compensatory way. This can lead to frozen shoulder, bursitis, rotator cuff problems, or other injuries. Consequently, this is why it is of utmost importance to have chiropractic adjustments in the vertebrae of the neck, so that the body is able to function optimally. Similarly, the low back should be checked for subluxations, so that the nerves that supply the legs do not become choked or irritated causing dysfunction.
Who is most at risk for extremity problems? Oftentimes, people who participate in rigorous sports or
work in repetitive jobs involving a production line or computer input are particularly at risk for extremity related injuries. Elderly people who have arthritis are also at increased risk for injuring extremities. As we age, the joints become less mobile and less elastic, making them more prone to injury. Regular chiropractic check-ups allow people to enjoy life and participate in activities that are
important to them.
Chiropractors also treat other extremity related conditions such as carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, hip problems, bursitis, heel spurs as well as knee injuries. Treatment may include chiropractic mobilization of the joints, massage therapy, stretching, and physical therapy modalities such as
ultrasound, electrical stimulation moist heat and ice. Instruction will also be given on avoiding aggravating factors. Modification of job related tasks might be recommended. Your chiropractor will
design a tailor made treatment plan for you with emphasis on prevention of re-injury.
Herniated Disc-Lower Back
SYMPTOMS: Symptoms of a herniated disc in the low back can include some or all of the following:
Deep, dull ache may be present in the low back; Deep dull ache in buttocks and/or posterior thigh,
calf and sometimes foot; Pain is mostly achey in the low back but sometimes sharp; Pain, loss of
sensation, numbness and/or tingling in leg and/or foot; inability to stand on heels or toes; pain
increases when coughing or sneezing. Other signs may be present. Over the counter pain relievers do
not decrease the pain.
CAUSES: Injury to the discs occurs from varied causes such as genetics and as part of the normal
“wear and tear” process of aging. Trauma, improper lifting and other injuries can cause the soft jellylike center of the disc to bulge or tear through the walls of the disc. The discs are the soft spongy pads
between each of the spinal vertebrae. When functioning optimally, discs act as shock absorbers
allowing your body to turn and rotate in various directions. Trauma, sneezing, improper lifting and
other injuries can cause the soft jelly-like center of the disc to bulge or tear through the walls of the
disc. Once a disc is injured, the surrounding nerves, ligaments and muscles become inflamed and
irritated causing reduced function.
Injured discs are classified as bulged, herniated, or in the worst case scenario, ruptured. Abnormal
joint movement in the spine is one of the most common culprits for disc injury. When the spinal
vertebrae are mis-aligned, more stress is placed on the discs making the disc more susceptible to
bulging or tearing. Once the material within the disc leaks out into the spinal canal, pain and
inflammation result. In the worst cases, the delicate spinal nerves are irritated causing weakness, pain
and/or numbness into the legs and feet.
TREATMENT: Clinical evidence suggests that many “disc herniations” can be
successfully treated, and the resulting pain and muscle spasms effectively
alleviated through the application of conservative chiropractic care. This may
include specific chiropractic adjustments, and adjunctive therapies such as ice and
electrical stimulation. Home care might include an aggressive
home icing program, stretching and possibly bracing.
Modification of certain activities while at home may be
recommended, such as avoiding prolonged sitting.
Will I need back surgery? By all indications, too many
individuals are mis-diagnosed as having a “herniated disc.” These cases are too
often improperly and aggressively managed. Many of these cases have resulted
in considerable unnecessary and costly surgery, often with no positive outcome or
resulting in a failed back syndrome. However, there are certain symptoms that do
warrant surgical intervention. Surgery should be considered if the condition is
disabling, the symptoms persist without improvement, or there is progressive
deterioration in the condition. Prior to undergoing surgery, at least a one-month
trial course of conservative treatment should be considered as a first treatment
Knee Pain
SYMPTOMS: Pain in the knee can be caused by arthritis, a tear in a
ligament or tendon, a weak thigh muscle, bursitis in the knee, a pinched
nerve in the low back, a hip problem, or in rare instances, a tumor. Pain
may be located above, below or even behind the knee.
CAUSES: Mis-alignment of the low back and pelvis can place increased
stress on the joints and soft tissues that make up the knee joint. If the
low back is not in proper alignment, the legs will bear weight unequally,
causing increased stress on one or both knees. Obesity also places increased stress on the knee
making it more susceptible to injury. Some knee problems are caused by everyday “wear and tear”
while others are genetic. A traumatic event, such as a car accident or sports injury, such as taking a
blow from playing a contact sport, may also be responsible for knee problems. Lastly, repetitive
trauma to the knee over many years, can lead to early degenerative arthritis in the knee.
TREATMENT: Conservative treatment for a knee problem utilizing chiropractic adjustments is highly
effective for correcting the proper mechanics of the vertebrae in the back as well as the knee, helping
to alleviate stress and strain on the knee. Taking over the counter medications simply mask the pain
without actually resolving the structural problem, joint mis-alignment. In fact, taking medications may
actually make the overall problem worse, by masking your body’s natural defense mechanism. Your
body is sending pain signals to your brain in order to prevent you from moving certain ways that could
potentially further injure the back and/or knee. If that defense mechanism is eliminated through the
use of pain pills, further insult to the body is much more likely.
After performing a thorough history and physical exam, your chiropractor will determine the source of
your knee pain. X-rays will be ordered if deemed medically necessary. Once you are told that you
have a knee problem, the chiropractor will begin the use of conservative chiropractic adjustments to
restore structure and function to the knee and spine. Vitamins may be recommended to help promote
the cartilage repair in some instances. Treatment may also include adjunctive therapies such as ice
and electrical stimulation. Home care might include an aggressive home icing program, stretching,
strengthening and possibly bracing. Modification of certain activities while at home may be
recommended. If necessary, a referral will be made to an orthopedic surgeon if clinically warranted.
Mid Back, Rib & Chest Pain
SYMPTOMS: If you are experiencing pain in the chest and/or mid-back when taking deep
breaths in, there may be a mis-alignment of the vertebrae in the back. Pain may be dull or
sharp depending on the severity of the sprain. Pain may be mostly achy, but occasionally
sharp in the mid back and chest region. Pain may radiate from the breastbone to the side of
the rib cage. Pain may radiate bilaterally in the mid-back. Other symptoms may be present.
Oftentimes, misalignments of the mid back vertebrae and ribs mimic symptoms of a heart
attack, especially when pain is felt on the left side of the chest region.
CAUSES: People are often surprised to learn that ribs can go out of alignment similar to the
vertebrae in your spine. Ribs attach to the breast bone in the front of the body, and the spine
in the back of the body. Any location in the body where two bones touch together is an
actual joint. Most joints in the body are treatable by a chiropractor. Ribs and mid-back
vertebrae often go out of position from over-exertion. Oftentimes, they are more prevalent at
a change in season, such as spring, when people engage in prolonged gardening, or winter
when people begin shoveling snow extensively. People often “pill pop” with aspirin or
ibuprofen for mid back pain. Unfortunately, drugs only cover up the symptoms without
addressing the underlying cause, joint dysfunction in the vertebrae of the mid back. Back
pain is not caused by a lack of aspirin. In fact, taking medication to ease the pain can
actually make the problem worse. Your body is sending you pain signals as a reminder not
to move a certain way. If you ignore that mechanism by covering up the pain with
medication, you risk further injury & damage.
Other common causes of mid back pain are poor posture, computer work at an improperly
set up work-station, sports injuries, low back mis-alignment, just to name a few.
TREATMENT: Your doctor of chiropractic will take a thorough history and perform a
physical exam. Conservative treatment using spinal manipulation, massage, electrical
stimulation as well as hot and cold packs. Home care may be recommended such as
stretching, avoiding certain activities, and in some cases, a rib brace may be prescribed.
Neck Pain
SYMPTOMS: Symptoms of a herniated disc in the neck can include some or all of the following:
Deep, dull ache may be present in the neck, shoulders or hands. Deep dull ache located only in the
neck Sharp pain in the neck upon movement. Pain, loss of sensation, numbness and/or tingling in the
arms and/or hand. Muscle weakness. Pain is increased with forward bending, sneezing or coughing or
straining. Pain or stiffness worse in the morning. Other signs may be present. Over the counter pain
relievers do not decrease the pain.
CAUSES: The discs are the soft spongy pads between each of the spinal vertebrae. When functioning
optimally, discs act as shock absorbers allowing your head neck to turn and rotate in various
directions. Trauma, sneezing, improper lifting and other injuries can cause the soft jelly-like center of
the disc to bulge or tear through the walls of the disc. Once a disc is injured, the surrounding nerves,
ligaments and muscles become inflamed and irritated causing reduced function.
Injured discs are classified as bulged, herniated, or in the worst case scenario, ruptured. Abnormal
joint movement in the spine is one of the most common culprits for disc injury. When the spinal
vertebrae are mis-aligned, more stress is placed on the discs making the disc more susceptible to
bulging or tearing. Once the material within the disc leaks out into the spinal canal, pain and
inflammation result. In the worst cases, the delicate spinal nerves are irritated causing pain and/or
numbness into the arms and hands.
TREATMENT: Clinical evidence suggests that many “disc herniations” can be
successfully treated, and the resulting pain and muscle spasms effectively
alleviated through the application of conservative chiropractic care. Muscle spasm
and pain are the body’s way of protecting you from further tissue damage. The
chiropractic approach to treatment is not to attack the muscle spasm and pain, but
rather to determine and correct the cause of your pain and spasm.
Chiropractors are the leading experts in the field of manipulation and conservative
management of disc injuries. Early chiropractic intervention can lessen the
possibility of costly hospitalization, unnecessary surgery and its often negative
after effects, and considerable pain. Chiropractic treatment may include a strict
regimen of ice or heat, electrical therapies, special rehabilitative exercises and spinal manipulation.
Your chiropractor will order x-rays, and possibly some advanced diagnostic tests such as an MRI. A
referral to a neurologist, orthopedic surgeon or neurosurgeon will be given if deemed medically
necessary by your chiropractor.
Almost half of pregnant women experience back pain at some point during their
pregnancy. Most would rather not take prescription or over the counter drugs which
may be harmful to the baby. Chiropractic care is both safe and effective during all
phases of pregnancy without the risky side effects. Studies show that chiropractic
care during pregnancy reduces the incidence of back labor during delivery.
Obstetricians agree that back labor is the most painful part of delivery. In fact,
many chiropractic patients report that their deliveries were faster and more
comfortable than deliveries previous to chiropractic care.
The body goes through a multitude of changes while pregnant. During this time of
rapid growth, hormonal changes occur, ligaments become lax, more stress and
strain is placed on the skeletal system, resulting in back pain in many women. Since it is not
recommended to take most drugs while pregnant, chiropractic care is a safer option. Chiropractic care
not only relieves pain and discomfort, but also normalizes the nervous system resulting in overall
improved health.
Your chiropractor has been trained to modify technique in order to accommodate pregnancy. Special
tables are utilized as well as gentle very low force techniques in order to adjust the spine safely
SYMPTOMS: The sciatic nerves are the largest nerve in the body. Pain
can travel anywhere from the middle of the low back into the buttocks,
down the back of the leg, and even to the ankle. Pain may be present
only in the buttocks. The pain may seem like a deep dull ache, and/or
soreness in the back of the buttock. At times, it may be sharp and
severe. It may be severe enough that one cannot even stand up
straight. Simple tasks such as putting your socks on in the morning
seem monumental. Sleep may be disturbed. Pain increases when
arising from a seated position making it very difficult or even impossible
to straighten up. Leg pain may be present with or without back pain.
Other symptoms may be present.
CAUSES: Injury to the sciatic nerve occurs when the nerve is twisted, stretched or compressed. One
of the most common causes for sciatic pain is mis-alignment of the vertebrae in the low back. When
vertebrae in the low back become mis-aligned, irritation and inflammation of the surrounding soft
tissue can occur involving the sciatic nerve. Disc herniations can also irritate the sciatic nerve as fluid
and chemicals within the disc leak out into the spinal canal causing an inflammatory response in the
body. Other causes for sciatic nerve irritation include mis-alignment in the joints that make up the
pelvis, arthritis in the vertebra of the low back, over-exertion of the muscles in the low back, obesity
and trauma. Other causes may exist.
TREATMENT: Conservative treatment of sciatica utilizing chiropractic adjustments is highly effective
in reducing sciatic nerve inflammation and pain. Taking over the counter medications simply mask
the pain without actually resolving the structural problem, joint mis-alignment. In fact, taking
medications may actually make the overall problem worse, by masking your body’s natural defense
mechanism. Your body is sending pain signals to your brain in order to prevent you from moving
certain ways that could potentially further injure the back. If that defense mechanism is eliminated
through the use of pain pills, further insult to the body is much more likely.
After performing a thorough history and physical exam, your chiropractor will determine if you have
“true sciatica” or something else. Once you are told that the sciatic nerve is involved, the chiropractor
will begin the use of conservative chiropractic adjustments to restore structure and function to the
spine. Treatment may also include adjunctive therapies such as ice and electrical stimulation. Home
care might include an aggressive home icing program, stretching and possibly bracing. Modification of
certain activities while at home may be recommended, such as avoiding prolonged sitting. If deemed
medically necessary, x-rays will be ordered. If significant progress is not made within four weeks or
so, your chiropractor may order advanced imaging such as CAT scan or MRI. A referral to another
specialist such as a neurologist or neurosurgeon may be warranted in some instances. In the majority
of cases, studies show that conservative care has been shown to return people to work sooner and
eliminate pain faster than other alternative forms of care.
Scoliosis is defined as abnormal curvature of the spine. Oftentimes, it first appears
in the adolescent years. Children sometimes find out they have scoliosis during
school physicals. It can be detected by observing uneven shoulders heights or a
change in posture. Somewhere between three and five of every 1,000 children will
develop scoliosis, usually in adolescence. This equates to about half a million
adolescents diagnosed every year.
One of the major issues for adolescents with scoliosis is the emotional distress.
Adolescent scoliosis can have a devastating effect on a young person’s body image
and self esteem. Imagine how it would feel having to wear a brace to your first
school dance, or undressing with a brace on in gym class in front of your
It is still unknown precisely what causes scoliosis. Many experts believe scoliosis has a hereditary
component. One popular theory suggests scoliosis is caused by the nervous system lagging behind
the musculo-skeletal system during the developmental phase of growth. Rapid changes in the body
occur during the adolescent phase causing the spine to curve abnormally.
For most young people, treatment options haven’t changed much over the past thirty years. The two
most commonly used treatments, bracing and spinal surgery, most doctors agree are less than ideal.
Chiropractic care offers conservative treatment options through specific spinal adjustments, corrective
exercises and electrical stimulation. It is important to have your child screened for scoliosis, so that
corrective conservative measures can be undertaken to slow or possible prevent curve progression.
Shoulder Pain
SYMPTOMS: If you are experiencing upper arm or shoulder pain with simple
activities such as brushing or blow-drying your hair or when lifting your arm
above your shoulder, you may have a shoulder sprain. Other symptoms may be
burning, weakness in the arm, dull ache that may be sometimes sharp, or pins
and needles down the arm. Other symptoms may be present.
CAUSES: Shoulder problems are often caused by repetitive motion such as jobs
involving working on a production line, prolonged computer work, playing sports
such as pitching a baseball or playing tennis. Another common cause is doing
something for a long period of time that your body is not used to, such as
gardening or snow shoveling. A traumatic fall or car accident can also be the
culprit. Other causes also exist.
Studies show that 80% of people with a neck problem will develop a shoulder problem, if the neck
problem goes untreated. This is because the shoulder girdle works closely with the neck when
performing activities of daily living. A problem with the neck will most probably eventually lead to
compensatory mechanisms by the shoulder.
TREATMENT: Your doctor of chiropractic will take a thorough history and perform a physical exam.
X-rays may be ordered if clinically warranted. Conservative treatment using spinal manipulation,
massage, electrical stimulation as well as hot and cold packs may be utilized. Other modalities such as
ultrasound or diathermy may be utilized. Home care may be recommended such as specific
stretching, avoiding certain activities, and in severe cases, a neck brace may be prescribed. If
clinically warranted, a referral to an orthopedic surgeon will be made.
Stress and Headaches
People often wonder what role stress plays as a potential cause of their aches
and pains, high blood pressure, poor posture, for example. Stress plays an
enormous role in overall health. A new field of study has recently emerged
called psychoneuroimmunology. Basically, it is the study of how people’s
perception of stress and/or illness affects their overall health and wellness.
There is ongoing research utilizing advanced testing such as magnetic
resonance imaging of the brain to prove that overall health is affected by our
perceptions and overall wellness. Chiropractic care focuses on the entire
body and not simply the “area that pains you.” The concept is simple. By
keeping the overall body in optimal health utilizing specific chiropractic
adjustments, the body is better able to adapt to stress. When your spine is
properly aligned, the nervous system is able to function at a higher level,
making you much less likely to become sick when you undergo stress.
Chiropractic care embraces a natural approach to the management of stress. It is impossible to
eliminate stress in your life. Stress management is the key to optimal health. Your chiropractor
can offer you advice on better ways to manage stress through improved diet, vitamin therapy,
stretching and other exercises, and finally, through chiropractic adjustments. Ask your
chiropractor for recommendations on ways to improve your health through stress management.
SYMPTOMS: Headache pain can be throbbing, dull, achey, sharp or any combination of the
aforementioned. Pain can originate at the base of the skull or anywhere around the face or head.
Oftentimes, over the counter medications only dull the pain slightly or the pain returns when the
medication wears off.
CAUSES: Your doctor of chiropractic can determine which kind of headache you have and recommend
the appropriate treatment. Headaches can be caused from stress, poor posture, toxic foods,
preservatives, vitamin deficiencies, alcohol, or misalignment from the jaw, just to name a few. Stress
causes tension in the neck that leads to irritation of tiny nerves and blood vessels resulting in the
transfer of pain signals to the spinal cord and brain.
TREATMENT: An important component in treating headaches is first determining what type of
headache you are experiencing. Your doctor of chiropractic is highly trained to determine the cause of
your headache and recommend the most appropriate and effective treatment. Types of headaches
include migraine headaches, tension headaches and vascular headaches. 95% of headaches are
treatable through chiropractic methods without the side effects of drugs. In the rare instance that you
are experiencing a headache caused by something more serious, your chiropractor will be happy to
make a quick referral to the appropriate medical doctor. For the other 95% of headaches, the most
common causes is misalignment of the vertebrae in the neck causing pain in the neck, shoulders and
head. Through chiropractic manipulation of the neck, the doctor can often eliminate or reduce the
frequency and duration of the painful headaches. By aligning spinal joints through chiropractic
adjustments, the pathway to the nervous system is cleared, allowing for normal nerve transmission of
signals meaning a reduction or elimination of pain in the head and neck sometimes permanently. Your
chiropractor may also recommend changes and diet including vitamin supplementation.
Sports Injuries
Sports injuries are extremely common in both children and adults. People are
more active today than ever before. Your doctor of chiropractic can recommend
exercises and stretches for preventing injury and maximizing performance. It is
important to stretch before any type of rigorous exercise. If the muscles are not
properly warmed up, the joints become more susceptible to injury. Low back injuries are the most
common spinal injuries. Many common spinal injuries are sports related. By consulting with a
chiropractor, the cause of the underlying sports injury will be determined. By performing specific
adjustments to the spine, the adjacent muscles, tendons and ligaments are better able to perform
properly. So, whether you exercise at a high or low level, chiropractic adjustments are important to
everyone. Keeping the spine properly aligned helps to prevent serious injury.
Chronic sports injuries are often due to frequent repetitive motion with improper rest time. People do
not allow for proper rest in-between their favorite sports causing “over use” injuries. Receiving a
chiropractic check-up prior to the start of a sports season will save you money ultimately. This is
because you will be less likely to undergo a more serious injury that will take time away from work
and recreation.
It is also important to have your child receive regular spinal check-ups especially if they are active in
sports such as gymnastics, soccer and football, just to name a few. Undetected childhood injuries can
lead to chronic problems as an adult. Growth and development can be optimized when regular
chiropractic check-ups are performing as a child matures. Chiropractic adjustments are extremely safe
and can be performed on any age from newborn baby to senior citizens. Your chiropractor has
specialized training in adapting the technique according to the age and fitness level of the patient.
Speak to your chiropractor today in order to discuss the treatment that best suits your active lifestyle.
SYMPTOMS: Injuries to the neck following a car accident are referred
to as “whiplash.” Symptoms may not fully appear for several weeks
after a car accident. Symptoms suggestive of whiplash may include
some or all of the following: headaches, double vision or blurred vision,
vomiting, dizziness, jaw pain or clicking, ear pain, stiffness in the neck,
difficulty turning the head, pins and needles, numbness or tingling into
one or both arms, weakness in the hands. Symptoms may not fully
appear until several weeks after the accident.
CAUSES: Injuries to the neck caused by the sudden movement of the head, backward, forward, or
sideways, are referred to as “whiplash.” These injuries often result after a traumatic car accident most
commonly involving a rear-end collision. Oftentimes, even in collisions as low as five miles per hour,
there may be very little damage to the car; however, the individual in the car can still sustain neck
injury. When the head is suddenly thrown in any direction beyond its normal limits, the muscles and
ligaments supporting the spine and head can be overstretched, twisted and torn. The soft, jelly-like
discs that act as shock absorbers between the spinal vertebrae can also be damaged. Doctors classify
injuries to the disc as bulges, herniations or ruptures depending on the
severity. The adjacent vertebrae can be displaced out of alignment
resulting in increased stress to the discs.
TREATMENT: Despite the increased safety precautions of seat belts and
air bags, whiplash injuries continue to result in significant lost work time
and disability. Early treatment is most important in order for proper
healing to occur in the delicate structures of the neck. The longer
treatment is delayed, the higher the probability for adhesions (similar to
grizzle on a steak) and bony arthritis (spinal decay) to develop.
Spinal adjustments on a regular basis allow the soft tissue structures, such as discs, ligaments and
muscles to heal up in their proper position. The concept is similar to balancing the tires on your car.
For example, if a tire goes bald, think what would happen it you put a new tire on without getting the
new wheel aligned? Subsequently, the new tire would again wear down the rubber treads faster than
the remaining tires similar to the discs and ligaments in your spine. Proper alignment ensures that the
spine and supporting structures maintain proper structure and function allowing for maximum function
and longevity.